

Our goal is the design and production of high quality products, user and environmental friendly.


For Vivechrom it is a commitment to provide high quality products that on the one hand meet the needs and expectations of even the most demanding customer and on the other hand contribute to sustainable development.

Our goal is to meet the current demands of our customers and to innovate in order to meet their future expectations, while at the same time making a positive and long-term contribution to a sustainable future, investing in Health & Safety, the Environment, People and the wider society.

Our approach to Sustainable Development focuses on:


Products & Services

We are constantly innovating to provide sustainable, effective solutions

The Company creates new products or improves existing ones, depending on market trends and customer requirements, within the framework of its Quality, Environment, Health and Safety at Work policy and the Product program Stewardship which concerns the Responsible Management of its Products throughout their life cycle.

More specifically:

  • develops innovative products and technologies with minimal to zero impact on human health and the environment that exceed conventional expectations
  • has phased out products and processes that are harmful to safety, health and/or the environment
  • provides information to interested parties on health and safety aspects of products and guidelines for safe transport and handling during storage, application and use of products;
  • Eco - Premium program Solutions , which focuses on developing products with lower toxicity, use of renewable & recyclable materials, improved energy consumption and use of natural resources, have reduced emissions and limited risks


Energy / Waste & Resources – Climate change

We are reducing our environmental footprint to protect and preserve our planet.

We focus on halving carbon emissions in our value chain – by switching to renewable electricity and reducing overall energy consumption – and developing solutions that help customers reduce their overall carbon footprint.

In this context, it undertakes actions for:

  • reducing the consumption of energy and natural resources and increasing the efficiency of processes
  • assessment, using modern risk assessment techniques, of all risks related to the development, production, safe transport, application and use of products for possible effects
  • implementation of waste minimization programs during the production process, aiming to achieve zero waste to landfill
  • collecting the waste produced by the production process and washing the production equipment. Liquid waste is treated by the company's Physicochemical and Biological Treatment Unit, while solvent waste is treated by the Solvent Recovery Unit. This process recovers 95% of the solvent and reuses it, thus saving natural resources on the one hand and reducing hazardous waste on the other.
  • investing significant amounts in the creation of new facilities, the automation of its production process and the application of advanced technology, with the aim of improving the quality of its products and the working conditions within its facilities and protecting the environment, through the reduction of gas emissions.
  • assessing on a continuous basis the impact of activities on the environment, measuring the defined environmental indicators and setting targets for continuous improvement.

In addition, Vivechrom implements an Environmental Management System according to the EN standard ISO 14001:2015 for the whole range of its activities.


People & Communities

We develop our People, inspire and empower Communities

  • Hiring the best for the job, offering equal opportunities for all
  • Providing the right conditions, support and encouragement to develop personally and professionally
  • Applying various tools and systems to minimize any potential risk of injury and occupational disease:
  • 5S process for a clean and tidy workplace to improve processes and promote health and safety at work and the environment
  • Hazard identification and near loss reporting system for immediate and timely corrective and/or preventive actions
  • Behavior Based Safety Program to identify unsafe behaviors in the workplace in order to positively influence the behavior of all employees through a process of observation, coaching and communication aimed at an organization-wide safety culture.
  • assessment of potential risks in his workplaces, assessment of consequences and taking preventive measures.
  • measuring the physical and chemical factors in its workplaces and the preventive health monitoring of its employees with the help of the Doctor and the nurse of the Company that it employs on a full-time basis.
  • measuring the physical and chemical factors in its workplaces and the preventive health monitoring of its employees with the help of the Doctor and the nurse of the Company that it employs on a full-time basis.
  • Advising and training employees in the handling of hazardous materials, the use of personal protective equipment and emergency response.
  • We fully understand our role and responsibilities when it comes to society and our contribution to the communities in which we operate. We strive to make a positive difference in the world around us,
  • working with people and organizations to help the local community and support worthy and sustainable projects and causes, using our products when needed.
  • encouraging every employee to engage in charitable activities as long as it does not lead to a conflict of interest.

Finally, since 2003 Vivechrom has been certified and implements an Occupational Health and Safety Management System, according to the ISO 45001:2018 standard.



We provide products and services to our customers at the level of quality they deserve and beyond, to meet their future expectations.

Creating products that are quality, durable, easy and safe to use, and of course meet the requirements of customers for the decoration and renewal of the interior and exterior of their home and provide a sense of confidence, are some of the challenges faced by research and development laboratories as well as testing laboratories quality of the company's products, which have state-of-the-art instruments and are manned with excellent scientific staff.

The application of quality principles and the observance of the procedures of the Quality Management System in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001:2015 since 1992, contributes to the implementation of the company's Quality policy with the aim of the high and stable quality of Vivechrom 's products and the services provided. . In addition, best and modern practices are applied to manage quality, efficiency and reliability in all production processes to improve performance, minimize deviations and enhance product competitiveness.

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